“Grace Abounds!”

Author: Steven Barto, BS Psy, ThM

I am a Christian in recovery following four decades of active addiction. I earned a B.S. in Psychology and an M.A. in Theology from Colorado Christian University. My ministry focus is helping others MEET JESUS through apologetics and evangelism. I also work with individuals struggling with mental health and active addiction. I believe in the power in the Name of Jesus to break every chain. All counseling must include discipleship and all discipleship must include counseling.

2 thoughts on ““Grace Abounds!””

  1. Steve,
    Thank you for your timely article. How very true and appropriate in today’s society, the struggles we face with habitual sin. Seeking repentance, the good repentance, repentance as in 2 Cor 7:10 not worldly sorrow, rather true – life altering, Godly repentance – all the whole, of you are like me feeling that repentance is fruitless simply because I will slip into the old habit and fail God one again – so what’s the use…UGH. The battle is real and oh so spirituality draining. Sometimes is so hard to even go on because of the heart sickness felt due to my failure. I praise God for His grace and mercy, all of which I am so grateful and undeserving yet so thankful.
    Prayers coveted.

    May God continue to bless you as you seek and serve Him.

    Thank you again,
    Brad Brought


    1. Brad, I really appreciate your comment. Habitual sin is a killer. There’s a double black eye on the Christian faith because of it. First, and most importantly, it is causing believers to doubt their faith, condemn themselves, and (if left unchecked) drift away from the cross in apostasy. Second, skeptics, unbelievers, and detractors see “so called” Christians practicing sin and living in conviction and misery and want no part of Christ. I pray for progressive sanctification in your life. Repentance is certainly not fruitless… well, unless it is not true repentance.

      Yours in Christ,
      Steven Barto


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